Welcome to Children's Health 101. This blog will contain postings of simple yet useful ideas for parents to help promote a healthy lifestyle for their child or children. It can be hard just taking care of yourself and now you have a life filled with children that you love and wanting what is best for them. Take time to find ideas to help better serve your kids and their needs. Life is busy and this blog will provide tips, amid the chaotic world, on helping your child or children to become healthier and achieve a wellness. Wellness is achieving optimal health in physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and social dimensions. 
This wheel graphically demonstrates the search for wellness in achieving a balance in the health dimensions. Each dimension is important and needed.
Teach and show your child or children a healthy lifestyle in all dimensions.
For more specific questions that you may have concerning children's health, there are many great tools available that can be helpful such as WebMD Children's Health Center page and MayoClinic's Children's health page.